Geoportal SDK 2D/3D API Reference

Namespace: MapOptions


Map options object.

Holds options for map creation when using Gp.Map.load() function.

Availables options are described below.

  • Common 2D/3D properties
property Type Argument Default Description
apiKey String / Array. generic access key(s) to Geoportal platform, obtained here
viewMode String optional "2d" Library to load the map with. Values are :
  • "2d" (default) to load the map with OpenLayers (2D)
  • "3d" to be able to use 2D (OpenLayers) and 3D (iTowns) views. In this case, you have to use GpSDK3D.js file (instead of GpSDK2D.js)
center Gp.Center optional Map Centering information. Either with coordinates, with geoportal geocoding service or with user geo-localization.
azimuth Float optional 0 Map orientation in decimal degrees clockwise to the north.
zoom Integer / Float optional 10 Zoom level, between 0 (world wide zoom) and 21 (street wide zoom).
defaultFeaturesStyle Gp.StyleOptions optional Default style options for vector layers features (KML, GPX, GeoJSON).
layersOptions Object optional Layers to add to the map and their options. Associative array mapping ids of layers to display and their properties.
For each layer, the id may be either the name of a Geoportal layer (eg : "ORTHOIMAGERY.ORTHOPHOTOS") available with the given apiKey or an id of your choice for external resources. The properties associated to each ID are given as Gp.LayerOptions.
For Geoportal Layers availables with the given apiKey, values are automaticaly fetched from key configuration. You only need to specify a Gp.LayerOptions Object with properties you want to overide.
controlsOptions Object optional Controls to add to the map and their options. Associative array mapping the control's name (keys) with a Boolean (value) for activating / deactivating or with their properties (values given as Gp.ControlOptions). See Gp.ControlOptions for availables controls list and their properties.
mapEventsOptions Object optional Map's events to listen for interaction. Associative array mapping an event from the map (keys) with a function triggered by this event (values given as {Function}). See Gp.Map.listen() for available event Ids and their associated events objects.
minZoom Integer optional 0 Zoom level beyond which the user can't zoom out.
maxZoom Integer optional 21 Zoom level beyond which the user can't zoom in.
customConfigFile String optional Geoportal config url to use instead of the default dynamic configuration service based on apiKey param.
reloadConfig Boolean optional true Disable / enable use of the Config service. If true, the configuration service is load for loading the map. If false, the configuration is not used, if customConfigFile is not specified and if apiKey is specified. Only use if you know what you're doing.
proxyUrl String optional Proxy URL to avoid cross-domain problems on external resources. Only use if you know what you're doing.
noProxyDomains Array. optional Proxy will not be used for this list of domain names. Only use if you know what you're doing.
  • Specific 2D options
property Type Argument Default Description
enableRotation Boolean optional true Map rotation. Default is true. If false a rotation constraint that always sets the rotation to zero is used.
markersOptions Array.<Gp.MarkerOptions> optional Options for displaying markers on the map. Options are kept in case of switch 2D<->3D
projection String optional "EPSG:3857" Projection code (in EPSG or IGNF register) for the map. Not available in 3D as the projection is always "EPSG:4326"
extent Array optional Forced extent of the view, with the format [west, south, east, north], with the projection of the map
  • Specific 3D options
property Type Argument Default Description
tilt Float optional 0 Camera gradient in decimal degrees. 0 for a vertical view. 90 for an horizontal view.
isWebGL2 Boolean optional true Parameter to enable webgl 2.0.