Control options object.
Holds options for a specific control present on the map. May be used for map creation (See controlsOptions property of Gp.MapOptions object used as a parameter of Gp.Map.load() function) or for map modification (See Gp.Map.addControls() or Gp.Map.modifyControls()).
Given a specific control, availables options are the following :
Options for "zoom" control
Specific 2D options
property | Type | Description |
div | String / DOMElement | Target HTML element container or its id. Default is chosen by map implementation. |
Options for "overview" control
Common 2D/3D options
property | Type | Description |
div | String / DOMElement | Target HTML element container or its id. Default is chosen by map implementation. |
maximised | Boolean | If the control has to be opened or not. |
Specific 2D options
property | Type | Description |
layers | Array(String / Object) | List of layers Ids or layers config to be displayed on the overview map (may be part of main map layersId or a geoportal WMTS layer ID). If none, all main map layers will be used. |
minZoom | Number | min zoom level for overview map. |
maxZoom | Number | max zoom level for overview map. |
projection | String | projection code for overview map. |
Specific 3D options
property | Type | Description |
layer | Object | The layer object formatted as expected by itowns (layerId ignored if layer param specified) |
layerId | String | The Geoportal layers Ids to be displayed on the overview map (by default, "ORTHOIMAGERY.ORTHOPHOTOS") |
position | String | The type of positionment of the overview element inside its container. Can be "absolute" or "relative" ("absolute" by default) |
width | Number | The width of the minimap (100px by default) |
heigth | Number | The height of the minimap (100px by default) |
x | Number | The position of the minimap from the left of the container div (20px by default) |
y | Number | The position of the minimap from the bottom of the container div (20px by default) |
Options for "orientation" control
Specific 2D options
property | Type | Description |
div | String / DOMElement | Target HTML element container or its id. Default is chosen by map implementation. |
autoHide | Boolean | If true (default), control is not shown when map is oriented to th north. |
Options for "graphicscale" control
Common 2D/3D options
property | Type | Description |
div | String / DOMElement | Target HTML element container or its id. Default is chosen by map implementation. |
Specific 2D options
property | Type | Description |
units | String | Units to display : "deg" (degrees) or "m" (metric values). |
minWidth | Number | Minimum width in pixels. Default is 64. |
Specific 3D options
property | Type | Description |
maximised | Boolean | Display or not the control |
x | Number | The position of the minimap from the left of the container div (20px by default) |
y | Number | The position of the minimap from the bottom of the container div (20px by default) |
Options for "mouseposition" control
Common 2D/3D options
property | Type | Description |
div | String / DOMElement | Target HTML element container or its id. Default is chosen by map implementation. |
maximised | Boolean | if the control has to be opened or not. |
systems | Array(Object) | List of coordinates systems available for display. | | String | Coordinates system ID. |
systems.label | String | label used to designate the CRS. |
systems.type | String | "Geographical" or "Metric" |
units | Array(String) | units used for coordinates display ("m", "km" for Metric coordinates, "dec", "dms", "rad" or "gon" for geographical coordinates). |
displayAltitude | Boolean | (de)activate altitude display |
displayCoordinates | Boolean | (de)activate planimetric coordinates display. |
altitude | Object | altitude interaction specific configuration. Implementation specific. |
Specific 2D options
property | Type | Description |
editCoordinates | Boolean | Allows users to change map center by giving their coordinates. False by default. |
positionMarker | Object | options for a position marker to use when editingCoordinates. |
positionMarker.url | String | Marker url |
positionMarker.offset | Array(Number) | Offsets in pixels used when positioning the marker towards targeted point. The first element in the array is the horizontal offset. A positive value shifts the marker right. The second element in the array is the vertical offset. A positive value shifts the marker down. [0,0] value positions the top-left corner of the marker image to the targeted point. Default is offset associated to default marker image. |
positionMarker.hide | Boolean | If true, marker is not displayed, otherwise displayed (False by default.) |
Specific 3D options
property | Type | Description |
x | Number | The position of the mouseposition button from the left of the container div |
y | Number | The position of the mouseposition button from the bottom of the container div |
Options for "route" control
Specific 2D options
property | Type | Description |
div | String / DOMElement | Target HTML element container or its id. Default is chosen by map implementation. |
maximised | Boolean | if the control has to be opened or not. |
export | Boolean / Object | Specify if button "Export" is displayed. For the use of the options of the "Export" control, see |
exclusions | Object | exclusions to be proposed for control. Il null all exclusions will be proposed by default. |
exclusions.toll | Boolean | proposing toll exclusion. If true, this exclusion will be checked by default. |
exclusions.bridge | Boolean | proposing bridge exclusion. If true, this exclusion will be checked by default. |
exclusions.tunnel | Boolean | proposing tunnel exclusion. If true, this exclusion will be checked by default. |
graphs | Array(String) | available graphs to be proposed by control among "Pieton" (pedestrian) and "Voiture" (car). The first element of the array will be the default proposition of the control. |
markersOpts | Object | options to use your own markers. Object properties can be "departure", "stages" or "arrival". Corresponding value is an object with following properties : |
markersOpts[property].url | String | marker base64 encoded url (ex "data:image/png;base64,...""). Mandatory for a custom marker |
markersOpts[property].offset | Array | Offsets in pixels used when positioning the overlay. The first element in the array is the horizontal offset. A positive value shifts the overlay right. The second element in the array is the vertical offset. A positive value shifts the overlay down. Default is [0, 0].) |
routeOptions | Object | route service options. For advanced use only. See Gp.Services.route() to know all route options. |
autocompleteOptions | Object | autocomplete service options. See Gp.Services.autoComplete() to know all autocomplete options. |
Options for "isocurve" control
Specific 2D options
property | Type | Description |
div | String / DOMElement | Target HTML element container or its id. Default is chosen by map implementation. |
export | Boolean / Object | Specify if button "Export" is displayed. For the use of the options of the "Export" control, see |
maximised | Boolean | if the control has to be opened or not. |
exclusions | Object | exclusions to be proposed for control. Il null all exclusions will be proposed by default. |
exclusions.toll | Boolean | proposing toll exclusion. If true, this exclusion will be checked by default. |
exclusions.bridge | Boolean | proposing bridge exclusion. If true, this exclusion will be checked by default. |
exclusions.tunnel | Boolean | proposing tunnel exclusion. If true, this exclusion will be checked by default. |
graphs | Array(String) | available graphs to be proposed by control among "Pieton" (pedestrian) and "Voiture" (car). The first element of the array will be the default proposition of the control. |
methods | Array(String) | available methods of computation to be proposed by control among "time" (isochron) and "distance" (isodistance). The first element of the array will be the default proposition of the control. |
directions | Array(String) | available directions to be proposed by control among "arrival" (isocurve to arrival point) and "departure" (isocruve from departure point). The first element of the array will be the default proposition of the control. |
markerOpts | Object | options to use your own marker. Default is a lightOrange marker. |
markerOpts.url | String | marker base64 encoded url (ex "data:image/png;base64,...""). Mandatory for a custom marker |
markerOpts.offset | Array | Offsets in pixels used when positioning the overlay. The first element in the array is the horizontal offset. A positive value shifts the overlay right. The second element in the array is the vertical offset. A positive value shifts the overlay down. Default is [0, 0]. (see |
isocurveOptions | Object | isocurve service options. For advanced use only. See Gp.Services.isocurve() to know all isocurve options. |
Options for "graticule" control
Specific 2D options
property | Type | Description |
div | String / DOMElement | Target HTML element container or its id. Default is chosen by map implementation. |
strokeColor | String | stroke color expressed in hex format (default : #000000) |
strokeOpacity | Number | stroke opacity expressed between 0 and 1 (default : 0.2). |
strokeWidth | Number | stroke width expressed in pixels (default : 1). |
There are other native options for "Graticule control": see ol/Graticule.
Options for "layerswitcher" control
Common 2D/3D options
property | Type | Description |
div | String / DOMElement | Target HTML element container or its id. Default is chosen by map implementation. |
maximised | Boolean | if the control has to be opened or not. |
Specific 3D options
property | Type | Description |
x | Number | The position of the layerswitcher button from the left of the container div |
y | Number | The position of the layerswitcher button from the bottom of the container div |
Options for "getfeatureinfo" control
Specific 2D options
Property | Type | Argument | Default | Description |
div | String / DOMElement | Target HTML element container or its id. Default is chosen by map implementation. | ||
options | Object | Defines control options. | ||
options.hidden | Boolean | optional | false | Specifies if the widget should be hidden. | | Boolean | optional | false | Specifies if the control run in automatic mode. In automatic mode all vector layers added on run time or added at map initialization can be requested through the control. The triggering event of those layers is the default event. | | Boolean | optional | true | Specifies if the control is active or inactive. When inactive no request is fired and no information displayed. |
options.defaultEvent | String | optional | 'singleclick' | Specifies the default triggering event chosen in the list ['singleclick', 'dblclick', 'contextmenu']. This is the triggering event of all layers added to the control without configured triggering event. |
options.defaultInfoFormat | String | optional | 'text/html' | Indicates the default format mime-type of the response of GetFeatureInfo requests. |
options.cursorStyle | String | optional | 'pointer' | Specifies the type of cursor to be displayed when pointing on vector feature of a layer previously added to the control. The value must be choosen in the possible values of the css cursor property. |
options.autoPanOptions | Gp.AutoPanOptions | optional | Defines autoPan Options for popup display on click. | |
layers | Object | List of layers requested by the control and their options (those layers have to be queryable). Associative array mapping ids of layers and their properties :
Options for "layerimport" control
Specific 2D options
property | Type | Description |
div | String / DOMElement | Target HTML element container or its id. Default is chosen by map implementation. |
maximised | Boolean | if the control has to be opened or not. |
layerTypes | Array | data types that could be imported : "KML", "GPX", "GeoJSON", "MapBox", "WMS" and "WMTS". Values will be displayed in the same order in widget list. Default is : ["KML", "GPX", "GeoJSON", "WMS", "WMTS"] |
webServicesOptions | Object | Options to import WMS or WMTS layers |
webServicesOptions.proxyUrl | String | Proxy URL to avoid cross-domain problems, if not already set in mapOptions. Mandatory to import WMS and WMTS layer. |
webServicesOptions.noProxyDomains | Array(String) | Proxy will not be used for this list of domain names. Only use if you know what you're doing (if not already set in mapOptions) |
defaultStyles | Object | Styles to apply by default to imported KML or GPX layers |
defaultStyles.KML | Object | Styles to apply by default to imported KML layers |
defaultStyles.KML.markerSrc | String | URL of a marker image (for KML points styling). Default is an orange marker. |
defaultStyles.KML.markerXAnchor | Float | Position of marker anchor in X from left of the image expressed in proportion of 1 (for KML points styling). Default is 25.5 |
defaultStyles.KML.markerYAnchor | Float | Position of marker anchor in Y from top of the image expressed in proportion of 1 (for KML points styling). Default is 38 |
defaultStyles.KML.strokeColor | String | Stroke color for KML lines styling (RGB hex value). Default is "#002A50" |
defaultStyles.KML.strokeWidth | Number | Stroke width in pixels for KML lines styling. Default is 4 |
defaultStyles.KML.strokeOpacity | Number | Stroke opacity for KML lines styling (alpha value between 0:transparent and 1:opaque). Default is 0.8 |
defaultStyles.KML.polyFillColor | String | KML polygons fill color (RGB hex value). Default is "#00B798" |
defaultStyles.KML.polyFillOpacity | Number | KML polygons fill opacity (alpha value between 0:transparent and 1:opaque). Default is 0.5 |
defaultStyles.GPX | Object | Styles to apply by default to imported GPX layers |
defaultStyles.GPX.markerSrc | String | URL of a marker image (for GPX waypoints styling). Default is an orange marker. |
defaultStyles.GPX.markerXAnchor | Float | Position of marker anchor in X from left of the image expressed in proportion of 1 (for GPX waypoints styling). Default is 25.5 |
defaultStyles.GPX.markerYAnchor | Float | Position of marker anchor in Y from top of the image expressed in proportion of 1 (for GPX waypoints styling). Default is 38 |
defaultStyles.GPX.strokeColor | String | Stroke color for GPX routes or tracks styling (RGB hex value). Default is "#002A50" |
defaultStyles.GPX.strokeWidth | Number | Stroke width in pixels for GPX routes or tracks styling. Default is 4 |
defaultStyles.GPX.strokeOpacity | Number | Stroke opacity for GPX routes or tracks styling (alpha value between 0:transparent and 1:opaque). Default is 0.8 |
defaultStyles.GeoJSON | Object | Styles to apply by default to imported GeoJSON layers |
defaultStyles.GeoJSON.markerSrc | String | URL of a marker image (for GeoJSON points styling). Default is an orange marker. |
defaultStyles.GeoJSON.markerXAnchor | Float | Position of marker anchor in X from left of the image expressed in proportion of 1 (for GeoJSON points styling). Default is 25.5 |
defaultStyles.GeoJSON.markerYAnchor | Float | Position of marker anchor in Y from top of the image expressed in proportion of 1 (for GeoJSON points styling). Default is 38 |
defaultStyles.GeoJSON.strokeColor | String | Stroke color for GeoJSON lines styling (RGB hex value). Default is "#002A50" |
defaultStyles.GeoJSON.strokeWidth | Number | Stroke width in pixels for GeoJSON lines styling. Default is 4 |
defaultStyles.GeoJSON.strokeOpacity | Number | Stroke opacity for GeoJSON lines styling (alpha value between 0:transparent and 1:opaque). Default is 0.8 |
defaultStyles.GeoJSON.polyFillColor | String | GeoJSON polygons fill color (RGB hex value). Default is "#00B798" |
defaultStyles.GeoJSON.polyFillOpacity | Number | GeoJSON polygons fill opacity (alpha value between 0:transparent and 1:opaque). Default is 0.5 |
defaultStyles.MapBox | Object | Styles to apply by default to imported MapBox layers |
defaultStyles.MapBox.markerSrc | String | URL of a marker image (for MapBox points styling). Default is an orange marker. |
defaultStyles.MapBox.markerXAnchor | Float | Position of marker anchor in X from left of the image expressed in proportion of 1 (for MapBox points styling). Default is 25.5 |
defaultStyles.MapBox.markerYAnchor | Float | Position of marker anchor in Y from top of the image expressed in proportion of 1 (for MapBox points styling). Default is 38 |
defaultStyles.MapBox.strokeColor | String | Stroke color for MapBox lines styling (RGB hex value). Default is "#002A50" |
defaultStyles.MapBox.strokeWidth | Number | Stroke width in pixels for MapBox lines styling. Default is 4 |
defaultStyles.MapBox.strokeOpacity | Number | Stroke opacity for GeoJMapBoxSON lines styling (alpha value between 0:transparent and 1:opaque). Default is 0.8 |
defaultStyles.MapBox.polyFillColor | String | MapBox polygons fill color (RGB hex value). Default is "#00B798" |
defaultStyles.MapBox.polyFillOpacity | Number | MapBox polygons fill opacity (alpha value between 0:transparent and 1:opaque). Default is 0.5 |
defaultStyles.MapBox.editor | Gp.MapboxEditorOptions | Style editor options |
Options for "length" control
Specific 2D options
property | Type | Description |
div | String / DOMElement | Target HTML element container or its id. Default is chosen by map implementation. |
styles | Object | Styles to use to display the distance |
styles.pointer | Object | Pointer (circle) style while measuring |
styles.pointer.strokeColor | String | Stroke color |
styles.pointer.strokeWidth | Number | Stroke width in pixels |
styles.pointer.radius | Number | Circle radius in pixels |
styles.pointer.fillColor | String | Circle fill color |
styles.start | Object | Styles to use to display the distance while measuring |
styles.start.strokeColor | String | Stroke color |
styles.start.strokeWidth | Number | Stroke width in pixels |
styles.start.strokeLineDash | Array(Number) | Line dash pattern : line and spaces widths |
styles.finish | Object | Styles to use to display the distance when measure is finished |
styles.finish.strokeColor | String | Stroke color |
styles.finish.strokeWidth | Number | Stroke width in pixels |
styles.finish.strokeLineDash | Array(Number) | Line dash pattern : line and spaces widths |
geodesic | Boolean | If true (default), use geodesic method to compute the distance |
Options for "area" control
Specific 2D options
property | Type | Description |
div | String / DOMElement | Target HTML element container or its id. Default is chosen by map implementation. |
styles | Object | Styles to use to display the polygon area |
styles.pointer | Object | Pointer (circle) style while measuring |
styles.pointer.strokeColor | String | Stroke color |
styles.pointer.strokeWidth | Number | Stroke width in pixels |
styles.pointer.radius | Number | Circle radius in pixels |
styles.pointer.fillColor | String | Circle fill color |
styles.start | Object | Styles to use to display the polygon area while measuring |
styles.start.strokeColor | String | Stroke color |
styles.start.strokeWidth | Number | Stroke width in pixels |
styles.start.strokeLineDash | Array(Number) | Line dash pattern : line and spaces widths |
styles.start.fillColor | String | Polygon fill color |
styles.finish | Object | Styles to use to display the polygon area when measure is finished |
styles.finish.strokeColor | String | Stroke color |
styles.finish.strokeWidth | Number | Stroke width in pixels |
styles.finish.strokeLineDash | Array(Number) | Line dash pattern : line and spaces widths |
styles.finish.fillColor | String | Polygon fill color |
geodesic | Boolean | If true (default), use geodesic method to compute the distance |
Options for "azimuth" control
Specific 2D options
property | Type | Description |
div | String / DOMElement | Target HTML element container or its id. Default is chosen by map implementation. |
styles | Object | Styles to use to display the azimuth line |
styles.pointer | Object | Pointer (circle) style while measuring |
styles.pointer.strokeColor | String | Stroke color |
styles.pointer.strokeWidth | Number | Stroke width in pixels |
styles.pointer.radius | Number | Circle radius in pixels |
styles.pointer.fillColor | String | Circle fill color |
styles.start | Object | Styles to use to display the azimuth line while measuring |
styles.start.strokeColor | String | Stroke color |
styles.start.strokeWidth | Number | Stroke width in pixels |
styles.start.strokeLineDash | Array(Number) | Line dash pattern : line and spaces widths |
styles.finish | Object | Styles to use to display the azimuth line when measure is finished |
styles.finish.strokeColor | String | Stroke color |
styles.finish.strokeWidth | Number | Stroke width in pixels |
styles.finish.strokeLineDash | Array(Number) | Line dash pattern : line and spaces widths |
geodesic | Boolean | If false (default), not use geodesic method to compute the distance |
Options for "elevationpath" control
Specific 2D options
property | Type | Description |
div | String / DOMElement | Target HTML element container or its id. Default is chosen by map implementation. |
export | Boolean / Object | Specify if button "Export" is displayed. For the use of the options of the "Export" control, see |
styles | Object | Styles to use to display the polygon area |
styles.pointer | Object | Pointer (circle) style while measuring |
styles.pointer.strokeColor | String | Stroke color |
styles.pointer.strokeWidth | Number | Stroke width in pixels |
styles.pointer.radius | Number | Circle radius in pixels |
styles.pointer.fillColor | String | Circle fill color |
styles.start | Object | Styles to use to display the polygon area while measuring |
styles.start.strokeColor | String | Stroke color |
styles.start.strokeWidth | Number | Stroke width in pixels |
styles.start.strokeLineDash | Array(Number) | Line dash pattern : line and spaces widths |
styles.start.fillColor | String | Polygon fill color |
styles.finish | Object | Styles to use to display the polygon area when measure is finished |
styles.finish.strokeColor | String | Stroke color |
styles.finish.strokeWidth | Number | Stroke width in pixels |
styles.finish.strokeLineDash | Array(Number) | Line dash pattern : line and spaces widths |
styles.finish.fillColor | String | Polygon fill color |
styles.marker | Object | Style for marker displayed on map when the user follows the elevation path. |
styles.marker.src | String | URL of a marker image. |
styles.marker.xAnchor | Float | position of marker anchor in X from left of the image expressed in proportion of 1. |
styles.marker.yAnchor | Float | position of marker anchor in Y from top of the image expressed in proportion of 1. |
elevationPathOptions | Object | elevation path service options. See Gp.Services.getAltitude() for available options |
displayProfileOptions | Object | Options for displaying the profile |
displayProfileOptions.apply | Function | function to display profile if you want to cutomise it. By default, built-in DISPLAY_PROFILE_BY_DEFAULT() is used. You may also provide your own function using the same signature. | | Object | DOM container to use to display the profile. |
Options for "boostrelief" control
Specific 3D options
property | Type | Description |
div | String / DOMElement | Target HTML element container or its id. Default is chosen by map implementation. |
maximised | Boolean | Display or not the control |
x | Number | The position of the boostrelief button from the left of the container div |
y | Number | The position of the boostrelief button from the bottom of the container div |
scale | Number | Defines the scale used to boost the relief |
scale.min | Number | Minimum of the scale - 1 by default |
scale.max | Number | Maximum of the scale - 50 by default |
scale.step | Number | Step of the scale - 1 by default |
defaultBoost | Number | Default boost value applied to the widget and the elevation layers when loaded |
Options for "buildings" control
Specific 3D options
property | Type | Description |
div | String / DOMElement | Target HTML element container or its id. Default is chosen by map implementation. |
maximised | Boolean | Display or not the control |
x | Number | The position of the buildings button from the left of the container div |
y | Number | The position of the buildings button from the bottom of the container div |
key | String | Defines the apiKey used to add the buildings layer - "essentiels" by default |
MNT | Boolean | adds the MNT to the globe (ELEVATION.ELEVATIONGRIDCOVERAGE.HIGHRES) - true by default |
buildingsOnGround | Boolean | If true, put the buildings without elevation - false by default |
defaultVisibility | Boolean | Display the building when the globe is initialized - true by default |
minZoom | Number | Minimum zoom level to display the buildings - 15 by default |
Options for "search" control
Specific 2D options
property | Type | Description |
div | String / DOMElement | Target HTML element container or its id. Default is chosen by map implementation. |
maximised | Boolean | if the control has to be opened or not. |
resources | Object | resources to be used by geocode and autocompletion services |
resources.geocode | String | resources geocoding, by default : "location" |
resources.autocomplete | Array(String) | resources autocompletion, by default : ["PositionOfInterest", "StreetAddress"] |
displayAdvancedSearch | Boolean | True to display advanced search tools. Default is false (not displayed) |
advancedSearch | Object | advanced search options for geocoding (filters). Properties can be found among geocode options.filterOptions (see |
geocodeOptions | Object | geocoding options of the control (see SearchEngine doc) |
geocodeOptions.serviceOptions | Object | options of the geocode service (see Gp.Services.geocode) |
autocompleteOptions | Object | geocoding options of the control (see SearchEngine doc) |
autocompleteOptions.serviceOptions | Object | options of the autocomplete service (see see Gp.Services.autocomplete) |
Options for "reversesearch" control
Specific 2D options
property | Type | Description |
div | String / DOMElement | Target HTML element container or its id. Default is chosen by map implementation. |
maximised | Boolean | if the control has to be opened or not. |
resources | String | resources geocoding, by default : "location" |
displayAdvancedSearch | Boolean | False to disable advanced search tools (it will not be displayed). Default is true (displayed) |
delimitations | Array(String) | delimitations for reverse geocoding, by default : ["Point", "Circle", "Extent"]. Possible values are : "Point", "Circle", "Extent". Delimitations will be displayed in the same order in widget list. |
reverseGeocodeOptions | Object | reverse geocode service options. see to know all reverse geocode options. |
Options for "drawing" control
Specific 2D options
property | Type | Description |
div | String / DOMElement | Target HTML element container or its id. Default is chosen by map implementation. |
maximised | Boolean | if the control has to be opened or not. |
layer | String | layerId to be used by drawing tool. If none, an empty layer will be created, with id : "drawing-xxx". |
tools | Object | tools to be proposed by drawing tools box. All tools will be proposed by default. |
tools.points | Boolean | Display points drawing tool |
tools.lines | Boolean | Display lines drawing tool |
tools.polygons | Boolean | Display polygons drawing tool |
tools.text | Boolean | Display text drawing tool |
tools.remove | Boolean | Display feature removing tool |
tools.display | Boolean | Display style editing tool |
tools.edit | Boolean | Display editing tool |
tools.export | Boolean | Display exporting tool |
labels | Object | labels to be used instead of defaults for drawing tools. |
labels.control | String | Label for Control |
labels.points | String | Label for points drawing tool |
labels.lines | String | Label for lines drawing tool |
labels.polygons | String | Label for polygons drawing tool |
labels.text | String | Label for text drawing tool |
labels.edit | String | Label for editing tool |
labels.display | String | Label for style editing tool |
labels.remove | String | Label for feature removing tool |
labels.export | String | Label for exporting tool. |
labels.exportTitle | String | Title for exporting tool. |
labels.applyToObject | String | Label for apply to abject button. |
labels.setAsDefault | String | Label for set as default style button. |
labels.strokeColor | String | Label for stroke color. |
labels.strokeWidth | String | Label for stroke width. |
labels.fillColor | String | Label for fill color. |
labels.fillOpacity | String | Label for fillOpacity. |
markersList | Array(Object) | Array of markers urls and offsets to be used for points styling. |
markersList.src | String | URL of a marker image. |
markersList.xAnchor | Float | position of marker anchor in X from left of the image expressed in proportion of 1. |
markersList.yAnchor | Float | position of marker anchor in Y from top of the image expressed in proportion of 1. |
defaultStyles | Object | Styles to apply by default to drawn features. |
defaultStyles.textFillColor | String | Text fill color for labels (RGB hex value). |
defaultStyles.textStrokeColor | String | Text surrounding color for labels (RGB hex value). |
defaultStyles.textStrokeWidth | Number | Text surrounding width for labels (RGB hex value). |
defaultStyles.strokeColor | String | Stroke color (RGB hex value). |
defaultStyles.polyFillColor | String | Polygons fill color (RGB hex value). |
defaultStyles.polyFillOpacity | Number | Polygon fill opacity (alpha value between 0:transparent and 1:opaque). |
defaultStyles.strokeWidth | Number | Stroke width in pixels. |
cursorStyle | Object | cursor (circle) style when drawing or editing. |
cursorStyle.fillColor | String | Cursor fill color. |
cursorStyle.strokeColor | String | Cursor stroke color. |
cursorStyle.strokeWidth | String | Cursor surrounding stroke width. |
cursorStyle.radius | String | Cursor radius. |
Options for "attributions" control
Common 2D/3D options
property | Type | Description |
div | String / DOMElement | Target HTML element container or its id. Default is chosen by map implementation. |
maximised | Boolean | if the control has to be opened or not. |
- finish description for tile vector format (layerimport control)