Geoportal SDK 2D/3D API Reference

Namespace: Map




Interface/IMapControls.js, line 150

Add the list of controls to the map

Name Type Description
controlsOptions Object

Controls to add to the map and their options. Associative array mapping the control's name (keys) with a Boolean (value) for activating / deactivating or with their properties (values given as Gp.ControlOptions).

Common 2D/3D controls :

Key Control Description
'layerswitcher' Adds layers selector widget to the map. See options availables
'graphicscale' Adds scale line widget to the map. See options availables
'mouseposition' Adds mouse position widget to the map. See options availables
'overview' Adds mini overview map to the map. See options availables
'attributions' Adds layers originators display to the map. See options availables

Specific 2D controls :

Key Control Description
'draggable' Enable (true) / disable (false) map dragging/zoomming by mouse or pointer interaction.
'keyboard' Enable (true) / disable (false) map dragging/zoomming by keybord interaction.
'selectable' Enable (true) / disable (false) feature selection on the map. [DEPRECATED] : use 'getfeatureinfo' control instead to allow users to interact with features.
'zoom' Adds Zoom widget to the map. See options availables
'orientation' Adds orientation widget to the map. See options availables
'length' Adds length measurement widget to the map. See options availables.
'area' Adds area measurment widget to the map. See options availables
'azimuth' Adds azimuth measurment to the map. See options availables
'elevationpath' Adds elevationpath computation widget to the map. See options availables
'search' Adds search widget to the map. See options availables
'reversesearch' Adds reverse search widget to the map. See options availables
'layerimport' Adds layer import widget to the map. See options availables
'drawing' Adds drawing tools widget to the map. See options availables
'route' Adds route control to the map. See options availables
'isocurve' Adds isocurve control to the map. See options availables
'graticule' Adds graticule control to the map. See options availables
'getfeatureinfo' Adds capability to retrieve and display information about layer features. See options availables


Interface/IMapLayers.js, line 122

Adds a list of layers to the map.

The layersOptions parameter is an associative array mapping ids of layers to display and their properties.

For each layer, the id may be either the name of a Geoportal layer (eg : "ORTHOIMAGERY.ORTHOPHOTOS") available with the given apiKey used to initialize the map or an id of your choice for external resources.

The properties associated to each ID are given as Gp.LayerOptions objects.

For Geoportal Layers availables with the given apiKey, values are automaticaly fetched from key configuration. You only need to specify a Gp.LayerOptions object with properties you want to overide or an empty object if you don't want to overide anything.

Name Type Description
layersOptions Object

Layers to add to the map and their options. Associative array mapping ids of layers to add (keys) and their properties (values given as Gp.LayerOptions).

staticforget(eventId, action){Boolean}

Interface/IMapListeners.js, line 160

Cancels an event listening previousely set with Gp.Map.listen() method.

Name Type Description
eventId String

The map's event to forget. Possible values are :

Common 2D/3D events

eventId description
mapLoaded fired when map has finished loading
geolocated fired when map has finished centering by geolocation
located fired when map has finished centering by geocoding
configured fired when map has finished loading geoportal configuration
centerChanged fired when map center has changed
zoomChanged fired when map zoom has changed
azimuthChanged fired when map orientation has changed
layerChanged fired when map's layer(s) has changed someway

Specific 3D events

eventId description
tiltChanged fired when map tilt has changed
action function

The function associated to the event.

if an event has been forgotten


Interface/IMapView.js, line 239

Returns the current map's azimuth.

current map's azimuth expressed in decimal degrees clockwise to the north.


Interface/IMapView.js, line 117

Returns the current coordinates of the map's center in the current projection.

current map's center.


Interface/IMapControls.js, line 73

Returns the current control options. If controlIds is precised, returns just the options of the controls listed. If controlIds = null, returns the options of all the map's controls.

Name Type Description
controlIds Array.<String> | null

A list of control's id or null.

options of the map's controls : Associative Array, mapping given controls Ids with their Gp.ControlOptions properties.


Interface/IMapLayers.js, line 85

Returns the current layers options. If layerIds is precised, returns just the options of the layers listed. If layerIds = null, returns the options of all the map's layers.

Name Type Description
layerIds Array.<String> | null

A list of layer's id or null.

options of map's layers. Associative array mapping given layers ids with their Gp.LayerOptions properties.


Interface/IMapBase.js, line 744

Returns wrapped map object implemented by the underlying library. Can be :

  • an ol.Map object with current OpenLayers 3 implementation if the current map is in 2D.
  • an Itowns.GlobeView object, ie the iTowns GlobeView object overloaded by Geoportal Extension for iTowns, if the current map is in 3D.
map object.


Interface/IMapControls.js, line 105

Returns underlying implementation of the control identified by controlId. Can be :

  • an ol.control.Control subclass with current OpenLayers 3 implementation if the current map is in 2D.
  • an itowns.control.Widget subclass with current OpenLayers 3 implementation if the current map is in 2D.
Name Type Description
controlId String

identifier of the control

object of the control if it is on the map. null otherwise.


Interface/IMapControls.js, line 632

Gets Layer Container div ID for a given layerId.

Name Type Description
layerId String

layer identifier

Container div Id in the LayerSwitcher


Interface/IMapLayers.js, line 396

2D : Gets the markers options currently added to the map
3D : Return the markerOptions saved from the 2D map


Interface/IMapView.js, line 196

Specific 2D function

Returns the current map's projection code (EPSG or IGNF).

current map's projection.


Interface/IMapView.js, line 294

Specific 2D function

Returns the current map's resolution.

current map's resolution (in meter per pixel).


Interface/IMapView.js, line 219

Specific 3D function

Returns the current camera's tilt.

current camera's tilt. 90 by default.


Interface/IMapView.js, line 185

Specific 2D function

Returns the current bounding box of the map in the current projection.

Name Type Default Description
projection String map projection optional

Coordinate Reference System of returned extent.

current map's extent.


Interface/IMapBase.js, line 732

Returns the current viewing mode (either 2D or 3d).

current viewing mode


Interface/IMapView.js, line 258

Returns the current map's zoom level.

current map's zoom.

staticlisten(eventId, action, context){Boolean}

Interface/IMapListeners.js, line 85

Associate a function to trigger when an event is received.

Name Type Description
eventId String

The map's event listened. Possible values are :

Common 2D/3D events

eventId description
mapLoaded fired when map has finished loading. Callback function handles a Gp.MapLoadedEvent object.
geolocated fired when map has finished centering by geolocation. Callback function handles a Gp.GeolocatedEvent object.
located fired when map has finished centering by geocoding. Callback function handles a Gp.LocatedEvent object.
configured fired when map has finished loading geoportal configuration. Callback function handles a Gp.ConfiguredEvent object
centerChanged fired when map center has changed. Callback function handles a Gp.CenterChangedEvent object
zoomChanged fired when map zoom has changed. Callback function handles a Gp.ZoomChangedEvent object
azimuthChanged fired when map orientation has changed. Callback function handles a Gp.AzimuthChangedEvent object
layerChanged fired when map's layer(s) has changed someway. Callback function handles a Gp.LayerChangedEvent object

Specific 3D events

eventId description
tiltChanged fired when map tilt has changed. Callback function handles a Gp.TiltChangedEvent object
action function

The function to execute when the event occures.

context Object

The object that will be used as "this" in the action function

if an event has been listened


Interface/IMapControls.js, line 289

Modify the control'options listed to the map

Name Type Description
controlsOptions Object

Controls to modify on the map and their options. Associative array mapping the control's name (keys) with a Boolean (value) for activating / deactivating or with their properties (values given as Gp.ControlOptions). See Gp.Map.addControls() for availables controls keys.


Interface/IMapLayers.js, line 290

Modify the layers given with layersOptions parameter

Name Type Description
layersOptions Object

Layers to modify and their options. Associative array mapping official name of the Geoportal layer or the id of a personal layer (keys) with their properties (values given as Gp.LayerOptions). Only following options are modified : opacity, visibility, maxZoom and minZoom.

if the le parameter layersOptions has the correct format


Interface/IMapControls.js, line 279

Removes given controls from the map.

Name Type Description
controlIds Array.<String>

A list of control's id to be removed.


Interface/IMapLayers.js, line 272

Remove layers from the map.

Name Type Description
layerIds Array.<String>

A list of layer's id to be removed.

if OK, false otherwise.


Interface/IMapView.js, line 249

Sets a new map's azimuth.

Name Type Description
azimuth Float

The new map's azimuth expressed in decimal degrees clockwise to the north.


Interface/IMapView.js, line 131

Sets new center to the map.

  • Use x, y and projection properties to center the map with coordinates;
  • Use location and locationType properties to center the map thanks to Geoportal geocoding web service.
  • Use geolocate to center the map with user position.
Name Type Description
center Gp.Center

options for centering the map


Interface/IMapLayers.js, line 407

2D : Replaces the overlays already added to the map with the given markersOptions
3D : Replaces the markerOptions saved from the 2D map

Name Type Description
markersOptions Array.<Gp.MarkerOptions>

Markers to add to the Map.


Interface/IMapBase.js, line 722

ajoute un proxy aux url des couches vecteurs si besoin.

Name Type Description
url String




Interface/IMapView.js, line 305

Specific 2D function

Sets a new map's resolution.

Name Type Description
resolution Float

The new map's resolution (in meter per pixel).


Interface/IMapView.js, line 230

Specific 3D function

Sets a new camera's tilt (3D only).

Name Type Description
tilt Float

The camera's tilt.


Interface/IMapView.js, line 268

Sets a new map's zoom level.

Name Type Description
zoom Integer

The new map's zoom.


Interface/IMapView.js, line 276

Increases the current map's zoom level by 1.


Interface/IMapView.js, line 284

Decreases the current map's zoom level by 1.