new Attributions(aOptions)
Itowns/Controls/Attributions.js, line 31
Name | Type | Description | ||||||||||||||
aOptions | Object |
control options
var attribution = new itowns.control.Attritbution({
options : {
collapsed: true
// listeners for attributions update :
attribution.addEventListener("attributions:update", function (e) {...});
Itowns/Controls/Attributions.js, line 138 -
Returns true if widget is collapsed (minimize), false otherwise
inherited getElement(){HTMLElement}
Itowns/Controls/Widget.js, line 55 -
Return the widget's container element.
container element.
inherited getGlobe(){Object}
Itowns/Controls/Widget.js, line 115 -
Get the globe associated with the widget. Undefined if the widget is not added to a globe.
inherited getOptions(){Object}
Itowns/Controls/Widget.js, line 135 -
Get the options associated with the widget.
inherited getPosition(){String}
Itowns/Controls/Widget.js, line 105 -
Return the widget's element position.
element position.
inherited getTarget(){HTMLElement}
Itowns/Controls/Widget.js, line 85 -
Return the widget's target div.
target div.
Itowns/Controls/Attributions.js, line 120 -
Collapse or display control main container
Name Type Description collapsed Boolean True to collapse control, False to display it
Itowns/Controls/Attributions.js, line 81 -
Bind globe to control
Name Type Description globe GlobeViewExtended the globe
inherited setOptions(options)
Itowns/Controls/Widget.js, line 145 -
Set the options of the control
Name Type Description options Object Options to associate to the widget.
inherited setTarget(target, position)
Itowns/Controls/Widget.js, line 66 -
Associates the widget to a specified target div.
Name Type Description target HTMLElement | String widget target div html element or target div id.
position String html position attribute.