Geoportal Resources Access API Reference

Module: Services


Geoportal web services invocation namespace.



Services/Services.js, line 151

Getting suggestions of probable places names or address based on uncomplete texts, using the autocompletion service of the Geoportal Platform

Name Type Description
options Object

Options for function call.

Name Type Default Description
apiKey String

Access key to Geoportal platform, obtained here.

text String

Text input to complete.

filterOptions.type Array.<String> "StreetAddress" optional

Suggestion types to provide : address ("StreetAddress") and/or place name ("PositionOfInterest").

filterOptions.territory Array.<String> optional

Places where to limit the search of suggestions : "METROPOLE" (Corsica and metropolitan France), "DOMTOM" (French overseas departments and territories), or an INSEE code of a department. No limitation by default. For instance : ['METROPOLE', '31']

maximumResponses Number 10 optional

Maximum number of responses.

onSuccess function

Callback function for getting successful service response. Takes a Gp.Services.AutoCompleteResponse object as a parameter except if "rawResponse" is set to true.

onFailure function optional

Callback function for handling unsuccessful service responses (timeOut, missing rights, ...). Takes a Gp.Error object as parameter.

timeOut Number 0 optional

Number of milliseconds above which a timeOut response will be returned with onFailure callback (see above). Default value is 0 which means timeOut will not be handled.

serverUrl String optional

Web service URL. If used, options.apiKey parameter is ignored. Only use if you know what you're doing.

ssl Boolean true optional

Use of HTTPS or HTTP protocol to request the services. HTTPS by default (ssl=true).

protocol String XHR optional

Protocol used to handle dialog with web service. Possible values are 'JSONP' ( and 'XHR' ( Only XHR protocol is supported in a NodeJS environment. Only use if you know what you're doing.

proxyURL String optional

Proxy URL to use when requesting underlying web service. Ignored when options.protocol is set to 'JSONP' value. Only use if you know what you're doing.

callbackSuffix String optional

Callback function name suffix to use in case of a JSONP protocol use (see above), to set your own suffix instead of auto-increment. Ignored when options.protocol is set to 'XHR' value. Only use if you know what you're doing.

httpMethod String GET optional

HTTP method to use when requesting underlying web service in case of a XHR protocol use (see above). Possible values are 'GET' and 'POST'. Ignored when options.protocol is set to 'JSONP' value. Only use if you know what you are doing.

contentType String "application/xml" optional

Content-Type to use when requesting underlying web service in case of a XHR protocol use (see above) and if method HTTP is POST. Ignored when options.protocol is set to 'JSONP' value. Only use if you know what you are doing.

rawResponse Boolean false optional

Setting this parameter to true implies you want to handle the service response by yourself : it will be returned as an unparsed String in onSuccess callback parameter. Only use if you know what you are doing.

onBeforeParse function optional

Callback function for handling service response before parsing (as an unparsed String). Takes a String as a parameter (the raw service response). Returns a String that will be parsed as the service response. Only use if you know what you are doing.


Services/Services.js, line 65

Getting positon of a geographic identifier (places names, address, cadastral parcel, other...) using the geocoding web service of the Geoportal Platform.

Name Type Description
options Object

Options for function call.

Name Type Default Description
apiKey String

Access key to Geoportal platform, obtained here.

index String "StreetAddress" optional

Geographical identifier type to search. Values currently availables are : "PositionOfInterest" for place names, "StreetAddress" for address search, "CadastralParcel" for Cadastral parcels search, "location" for a multi-index search on "StreetAddress" and "PositionOfInterest". Default is "StreetAddress".

query String

Geographic identifier to locate.

filters Object optional

Additional filters to apply to search. The following properties may be given.

Name Type Description
[prop] String optional

Additionnal properties to filter search. Properties depends on options.index, and values type should be "String".

Properties availables for address search :

"postalCode", "inseeCode" and "city".

Properties availables for place names search :

"postalCode", "inseeCode" and "type".

Properties availables for cadastral parcels search :

"codeDepartement", "codeCommune", "nomCommune", "codeCommuneAbs", "codeArrondissement", "section", "numero", "feuille".

maximumResponses Number 20 optional

Maximum number of responses. Default underlying service value applies (20) if not provided.

returnTrueGeometry Boolean false optional

Set this parameter to true if you wish to have the true geometrie returned.

onSuccess function

Callback function for getting successful service response. Takes a Gp.Services.GeocodeResponse object as a parameter except if "rawResponse" is set to true.

onFailure function optional

Callback function for handling unsuccessful service responses (timeOut, missing rights, ...). Takes a Gp.Error object as parameter.

timeOut Number 0 optional

Number of milliseconds above which a timeOut response will be returned with onFailure callback (see above). Default value is 0 which means timeOut will not be handled.

serverUrl String http (s):// optional

Web service URL. If used, options.apiKey parameter is ignored. Only use if you know what you're doing.

ssl Boolean true optional

Use of HTTPS or HTTP protocol to request the services. HTTPS by default (ssl=true).

proxyURL String optional

Proxy URL to use when requesting underlying web service. Ignored when options.protocol is set to 'JSONP' value. Only use if you know what you're doing.

callbackSuffix String optional

Callback function name suffix to use in case of a JSONP protocol use (see above), to set your own suffix instead of auto-increment. Ignored when options.protocol is set to 'XHR' value. Only use if you know what you're doing.

rawResponse Boolean false optional

Setting this parameter to true implies you want to handle the service response by yourself : it will be returned as an unparsed String in onSuccess callback parameter. Only use if you know what you are doing.

onBeforeParse function optional

Callback function for handling service response before parsing (as an unparsed String). Takes a String as a parameter (the raw service response). Returns a String that will be parsed as the service response. Only use if you know what you are doing.

Gp.Services.geocode ({
    apiKey : "carte",
    location : "73 avenue de Paris, Saint-Mandé",
    // traitement des resultats
    onSuccess  : function (result) {
        console.log("found (x:"+result.position.x+", y:"+result.position.y+")") ;
}) ;


Services/Services.js, line 33

Getting elevations in or along of one or several points on french territories using the elevation services of the Geoportal Platform.

Two use cases are availables :

  1. getting elevations of the given points : don't use the options.sampling parameter ;
  2. getting a regular set of elevations along the given points : use the options.sampling parameter.
Name Type Description
options Object

Options for function call.

Name Type Default Description
apiKey String

Access key to Geoportal platform, obtained here.

positions Array.<Object>

Array of positions ({lon:float, lat:float}) expressed in CRS:84 coordinates system, where to get elevations. 50 positions maximum may be given. 2 positions minimum are required if you use the options.sampling parameter.

sampling Number optional

Number of points to use (between 2 and 5000) in order to compute an elevation path. The points given with the options.positions parameter are used to fix the planimetric path along which the elevations will be computed.

If not used, only elevations of these positions will be returned.

zonly Boolean false optional

Set this parameter to true if you only want to have elevations returned without corresponding coordinates.

onSuccess function

Callback function for getting successful service response. Takes a Gp.Services.AltiResponse object as a parameter, except if "rawResponse" is set to true.

onFailure function optional

Callback function for handling unsuccessful service responses (timeOut, missing rights, ...). Takes a Gp.Error object as parameter.

timeOut Number 0 optional

Number of milliseconds above which a timeOut response will be returned with onFailure callback (see above). Default value is 0 which means timeOut will not be handled.

serverUrl String optional

Web service URL. If used, options.apiKey parameter is ignored. Only use if you know what you're doing.

ssl Boolean true optional

Use of HTTPS or HTTP protocol to request the services. HTTPS by default (ssl=true).

protocol String XHR optional

Protocol used to handle dialog with web service. Possible values are 'JSONP' ( and 'XHR' ( Only XHR protocol is supported in a NodeJS environment. Only use if you know what you're doing.

proxyURL String optional

Proxy URL to use when requesting underlying web service. Ignored when options.protocol is set to 'JSONP' value. Only use if you know what you're doing.

callbackSuffix String optional

Callback function name suffix to use in case of a JSONP protocol use (see above), to set your own suffix instead of auto-increment. Ignored when options.protocol is set to 'XHR' value. Only use if you know what you're doing.

httpMethod String GET optional

HTTP method to use when requesting underlying web service in case of a XHR protocol use (see above). Possible values are 'GET' and 'POST'. Ignored when options.protocol is set to 'JSONP' value. Only use if you know what you are doing.

contentType String "application/xml" optional

Content-Type to use when requesting underlying web service in case of a XHR protocol use (see above) and if method HTTP is POST. Ignored when options.protocol is set to 'JSONP' value. Only use if you know what you are doing.

rawResponse Boolean false optional

Setting this parameter to true implies you want to handle the service response by yourself : it will be returned as an unparsed String in onSuccess callback parameter. Only use if you know what you are doing.

onBeforeParse function optional

Callback function for handling service response before parsing (as an unparsed String). Takes a String as a parameter (the raw service response). Returns a String that will be parsed as the service response. Only use if you know what you are doing.

api String 'REST' optional

What API to use for interacting with underlying web service : 'REST'. Only use if you know what you are doing.

outputFormat String 'xml' optional

Output format for underlying web service response : 'xml' or 'json'. Only use if you know what you are doing.


Services/Services.js, line 18

Access to Geoportal resources metadata availables with one ore several keys

Name Type Description
options Object

Options for function call.

Name Type Default Description
apiKey String optional

Access key(s) ("," as separator, no spaces) to Geoportal platform, obtained here

customConfigFile String optional

path to a local config file. Overload the apiKey parameter

onSuccess function

Callback function for getting successful service response. Takes a Gp.Services.GetConfigResponse object as a parameter except if "rawResponse" parameter is set to true : a String will be returned.

onFailure function optional

Callback function for handling unsuccessful service responses (timeOut, missing rights, ...). Takes a Gp.Error object as parameter.

timeOut Number 0 optional

Number of milliseconds above which a timeOut response will be returned with onFailure callback (see above). Default value is 0 which means timeOut will not be handled.


Services/Services.js, line 215

Computing a set of places (curve) reachable from a given point (or from where to start to reach a given point) within a time or distance constraint using the isochrone service of the Geoportal Platform.

Name Type Description
options Object

Options for function call.

Name Type Default Description
apiKey String

Access key to Geoportal platform, obtained here.

resource String

Resource used to compute the route. Available values are in the GetCapabilities.

position Gp.Point

Start or Arrival (options.reverse===true) Point for the computing. Expressed in CRS:84 coordinates system (position.x corresponds to longitude, position.y corresponds to latitude).

graph String "Voiture" optional

User profile to use to compute the isoCurve : "Voiture" (using a vehicule) or "Pieton" (pedestrian). Has an influence on the kind of roads to use and the average speed. Available values are in the GetCapabilities.

exclusions Array.<String> optional

DEPRECATED: use options.constraints. Indicates if route has to avoid some features ("toll", "bridge" or "tunnel").

constraints Array.<Object> optional

Constraints used ({'constraintType':'banned','key':'ways_type','operator':'=','value':'autoroute'}). Available values are in the GetCapabilities.

method String "time" optional

Computing method to use : "time" (using a duration as a constraint) or "distance" (using a distance as a constraint). Available values are in the GetCapabilities.

time Float

Maximum duration (expressed in seconds) to use when options.method is set to "time".

distance Float

Maximum distance (expressed in meters) to use when options.method is set to "distance".

reverse Boolean false optional

Set this parameter to true if you want options.position to be the destination (instead of departure) for the computing.

distanceUnit String "km" optional

The unit used to provide distances in the response ("m" or "km").

timeUnit String "second" optional

The unit used to provide duration in the response ("standard", "second", "minute", "hour").

smoothing Boolean false optional

DEPRECATED: Set this parameter to true if you want the resulting geometry to be smoothed.

holes Boolean false optional

DEPRECATED: Set this parameter to true if you want the resulting geometry (polygon) to have holes if pertinent.

onSuccess function

Callback function for getting successful service response. Takes a Gp.Services.IsoCurveResponse object as a parameter except if "rawResponse" is set to true.

onFailure function optional

Callback function for handling unsuccessful service responses (timeOut, missing rights, ...). Takes a Gp.Error object as parameter.

timeOut Number 0 optional

Number of milliseconds above which a timeOut response will be returned with onFailure callback (see above). Default value is 0 which means timeOut will not be handled.

outputFormat String 'json' optional

Output format ("json") to use for underlying webService. Only use if you know what you are doing.

serverUrl String optional

Web service URL. If used, options.apiKey parameter is ignored. Only use if you know what you're doing.

ssl Boolean true optional

Use of HTTPS or HTTP protocol to request the services. HTTPS by default (ssl=true).

protocol String XHR optional

Protocol used to handle dialog with web service. Possible values are 'JSONP' ( and 'XHR' ( Only XHR protocol is supported in a NodeJS environment. Only use if you know what you're doing.

proxyURL String optional

Proxy URL to use when requesting underlying web service. Ignored when options.protocol is set to 'JSONP' value. Only use if you know what you're doing.

callbackSuffix String optional

Callback function name suffix to use in case of a JSONP protocol use (see above), to set your own suffix instead of auto-increment. Ignored when options.protocol is set to 'XHR' value. Only use if you know what you're doing.

httpMethod String GET optional

HTTP method to use when requesting underlying web service in case of a XHR protocol use (see above). Possible values are 'GET' and 'POST'. Ignored when options.protocol is set to 'JSONP' value. Only use if you know what you are doing.

contentType String "application/xml" optional

Content-Type to use when requesting underlying web service in case of a XHR protocol use (see above) and if method HTTP is POST. Ignored when options.protocol is set to 'JSONP' value. Only use if you know what you are doing.

rawResponse Boolean false optional

Setting this parameter to true implies you want to handle the service response by yourself : it will be returned as an unparsed String in onSuccess callback parameter. Only use if you know what you are doing.

onBeforeParse function optional

Callback function for handling service response before parsing (as an unparsed String). Takes a String as a parameter (the raw service response). Returns a String that will be parsed as the service response. Only use if you know what you are doing.


Services/Services.js, line 111

Retrieving geographical identifiers (place names, address, cadastral parcels, ...) near a given position, using the reverse geocoding web service of the Geoportal Platform.

Name Type Description
options Object

Options for function call.

Name Type Default Description
apiKey String

Access key to Geoportal platform, obtained here.

index String "StreetAddress" optional

Geographical identifier type to search. Values currently availables are : "PositionOfInterest" for place names, "StreetAddress" for address search, "CadastralParcel" for Cadastral parcels search, "location" for a multi-index search on "StreetAddress" and "PositionOfInterest". Default is "StreetAddress".

position Object

Reference position where to search geographical identifiers.

Name Type Description
lon Float


lat Float


filters Object optional

Additional filters to apply to search. The following properties may be given.

Name Type Description
[prop] String optional

Additionnal properties to filter search. Properties depends on options.index, and values type should be "String".

Properties availables for address search :

"postalCode", "inseeCode" and "city".

Properties availables for place names search :

"postalCode", "inseeCode" and "type".

Properties availables for cadastral parcels search :

"codeDepartement", "codeCommune", "nomCommune", "codeCommuneAbs", "codeArrondissement", "section", "numero", "feuille".

searchGeometry Object optional

Location where to perform the search.

Name Type Description
type String

Geometry type (Point|Circle|Linestring|Polygon)

coordinates Array.<Float> | Array.Array.<Float>


radius Float optional

Radius (only for type 'Circle')

maximumResponses Number 20 optional

Maximum number of responses. Default underlying service value applies (20) if not provided.

onSuccess function

Callback function for getting successful service response. Takes a Gp.Services.GeocodeResponse object as a parameter except if "rawResponse" is set to true.

onFailure function optional

Callback function for handling unsuccessful service responses (timeOut, missing rights, ...). Takes a Gp.Error object as parameter.

timeOut Number 0 optional

Number of milliseconds above which a timeOut response will be returned with onFailure callback (see above). Default value is 0 which means timeOut will not be handled.

serverUrl String optional

Web service URL. If used, options.apiKey parameter is ignored. Only use if you know what you're doing.

ssl Boolean true optional

Use of HTTPS or HTTP protocol to request the services. HTTPS by default (ssl=true).

proxyURL String optional

Proxy URL to use when requesting underlying web service. Ignored when options.protocol is set to 'JSONP' value. Only use if you know what you're doing.

callbackSuffix String optional

Callback function name suffix to use in case of a JSONP protocol use (see above), to set your own suffix instead of auto-increment. Ignored when options.protocol is set to 'XHR' value. Only use if you know what you're doing.

rawResponse Boolean false optional

Setting this parameter to true implies you want to handle the service response by yourself : it will be returned as an unparsed String in onSuccess callback parameter. Only use if you know what you are doing.

onBeforeParse function optional

Callback function for handling service response before parsing (as an unparsed String). Takes a String as a parameter (the raw service response). Returns a String that will be parsed as the service response. Only use if you know what you are doing.


Services/Services.js, line 178

Getting a route from one point to another using the route service of the Geoportal Platform.

Name Type Description
options Object

Options for function call.

Name Type Default Description
resource String

Resource used to compute the route. Available values are in the GetCapabilities.

apiKey String

Access key to Geoportal platform, obtained here.

routePreference String "fastest" optional

Indicates the way to compute the route : "fastest" (time optimisation) or "shortest" (distance optimisation). Available values are in the GetCapabilities.

startPoint Gp.Point

Start point of the route. Expressed in CRS:84 coordinates system (startPoint.x corresponds to longitude, startPoint.y corresponds to latitude). Available bbox are in the GetCapabilities.

endPoint Gp.Point

End point of the route. Expressed in CRS:84 coordinates system (endPoint.x corresponds to longitude, endPoint.y corresponds to latitude). Available bbox are in the GetCapabilities.

viaPoints Array.<Gp.Point> optional

Ordered via Points of the route. Expressed in CRS:84 coordinates system (viaPoints[i].x corresponds to longitude, viaPoints[i].y corresponds to latitude). Available bbox are in the GetCapabilities.

graph String "Voiture" optional

User profile to use to compute the route : "Voiture" (using a vehicule) or "Pieton" (pedestrian). Has an influence on the kind of roads the route may use and the average speed. Available bbox are in the GetCapabilities.

exclusions Array.<String> optional

DEPRECATED: use options.constraints. Indicates if route has to avoid some features ("toll", "bridge" or "tunnel").

geometryInInstructions Boolean false optional

Indicates if route geometry has to be also returned with route instructions.

provideBoundingBox Boolean true optional

Indicates if route instructions has to be localised with a BBOX in the response.

distanceUnit String "m" optional

The unit used to provide distances in the response ("meter" or "kilometer").

timeUnit String "second" optional

The unit used to provide duration in the response ("standard", "second", "minute", "hour").

waysAttributes Array.<String> optional

Way Attributes to add in the response. Available values are in the GetCapabilities.

constraints Array.<Object> optional

Constraints used ({'constraintType':'banned','key':'ways_type','operator':'=','value':'autoroute'}). Available values are in the GetCapabilities.

onSuccess function

Callback function for getting successful service response. Takes a Gp.Services.RouteResponse object as a parameter except if "rawResponse" is set to true.

onFailure function optional

Callback function for handling unsuccessful service responses (timeOut, missing rights, ...). Takes a Gp.Error object as parameter.

timeOut Number 0 optional

Number of milliseconds above which a timeOut response will be returned with onFailure callback (see above). Default value is 0 which means timeOut will not be handled.

outputFormat String 'json' optional

Output format ("json" or "xml") to use for underlying webService. Only use if you know what you are doing.

serverUrl String optional

Web service URL. If used, options.apiKey parameter is ignored. Only use if you know what you're doing.

ssl Boolean true optional

Use of HTTPS or HTTP protocol to request the services. HTTPS by default (ssl=true).

protocol String XHR optional

Protocol used to handle dialog with web service. Possible values are 'JSONP' ( and 'XHR' ( Only XHR protocol is supported in a NodeJS environment. Only use if you know what you're doing.

proxyURL String optional

Proxy URL to use when requesting underlying web service. Ignored when options.protocol is set to 'JSONP' value. Only use if you know what you're doing.

callbackSuffix String optional

Callback function name suffix to use in case of a JSONP protocol use (see above), to set your own suffix instead of auto-increment. Ignored when options.protocol is set to 'XHR' value. Only use if you know what you're doing.

httpMethod String GET optional

HTTP method to use when requesting underlying web service in case of a XHR protocol use (see above). Possible values are 'GET' and 'POST'. Ignored when options.protocol is set to 'JSONP' value. Only use if you know what you are doing.

contentType String "application/xml" optional

Content-Type to use when requesting underlying web service in case of a XHR protocol use (see above) and if method HTTP is POST. Ignored when options.protocol is set to 'JSONP' value. Only use if you know what you are doing.

rawResponse Boolean false optional

Setting this parameter to true implies you want to handle the service response by yourself : it will be returned as an unparsed String in onSuccess callback parameter. Only use if you know what you are doing.

onBeforeParse function optional

Callback function for handling service response before parsing (as an unparsed String). Takes a String as a parameter (the raw service response). Returns a String that will be parsed as the service response. Only use if you know what you are doing.