Geoportal Extension for OpenLayers
API Reference

Class: GeoportalWFS


Geoportal tile WMS source creation (inherit from ol.source.TileWMS)

new GeoportalWFS(options)

Layers/SourceWFS.js, line 43
Name Type Description
options Object

options for function call.

Name Type Description
layer String

Layer name (e.g. "")

maxFeatures Number optional

maximum features (max: 5000)

configuration Object optional

configuration (cf. example)

ssl Boolean optional

if set true, enforce protocol https (only for nodejs)

apiKey String optional

Access key to Geoportal platform

legends Array optional

Legends objects associated to the layer

metadata Array optional

Metadata objects associated to the layer

title String optional

title of the layer

description String optional

description of the layer

quicklookUrl String optional

quicklookUrl of the layer

olParams Object optional

other options for ol.source.Vector function (see ol.source.Vector)

var sourceWFS = new ol.source.GeoportalWFS({
     layer: "",
     maxFeatures: 500,
     olParams: {}


  • ol.source.Vector