Geoportal Extension for OpenLayers
API Reference

Class: ElevationPath


Elevation Path Control. Allows users to draw a path on a Openlayers map see the elevation profile computed with geoportal elevation path web service along that path.

new ElevationPath(options)

Controls/ElevationPath/ElevationPath.js, line 113
Name Type Description
options Object

options for function call.

Name Type Default Description
apiKey String optional

API key for services call (isocurve and autocomplete services). The key "calcul" is used by default.

active Boolean false optional

specify if control should be actived at startup. Default is false.

ssl Boolean true optional

use of ssl or not (default true, service requested using https protocol)

export Boolean | Object false optional

Specify if button "Export" is displayed. For the use of the options of the "Export" control, see ol.control.Export

elevationOptions Object {} optional

elevation path service options. See Gp.Services.getAltitude() for available options

layerDescription Object {} optional

Layer informations to be displayed in LayerSwitcher widget (only if a LayerSwitcher is also added to the map)

Name Type Default Description
title String "Profil altimétrique" optional

Layer title to be displayed in LayerSwitcher

description String "Mon profil altimétrique" optional

Layer description to be displayed in LayerSwitcher

stylesOptions Object optional

styles management

Name Type Default Description
marker Object {} optional

styles management of marker displayed on map when the user follows the elevation path. Specified with an subclass object

draw Object {} optional

styles used when drawing. Specified with following properties.

Name Type Default Description
pointer Object {} optional

Style for mouse pointer when drawing the line. Specified with an subclass object.

start Object {} optional

Line Style when drawing. Specified with an object.

finish Object {} optional

Line Style when finished drawing. Specified with an object.

displayProfileOptions Object {} optional

profile options.

Name Type Default Description
totalDistance Boolean true optional

display the total distance of the path

greaterSlope Boolean true optional

display the greater slope into the graph

meanSlope Boolean true optional

display the mean slope into the graph

ascendingElevation Boolean true optional

display the ascending elevation into the graph

descendingElevation Boolean true optional

display the descending elevation into the graph

currentSlope Boolean true optional

display current slope value on profile mouseover

apply function optional

function to display profile if you want to cutomise it. By default, (DISPLAY_PROFILE_BY_DEFAULT()) is used. Helper functions to use with D3 (DISPLAY_PROFILE_LIB_D3()) or AmCharts (DISPLAY_PROFILE_LIB_AMCHARTS()) frameworks are also provided. You may also provide your own function.

target Object optional

DOM container to use to display the profile.

  • elevationpath:drawstart
  • elevationpath:drawend
  • elevationpath:compute
  • export:compute
var measure = new ol.control.ElevationPath({
   export : false,
   stylesOptions : {
    draw : {
      finish : new{
           color : "rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.5)",
           width : 2
   displayProfileOptions : {
      apply : ol.control.ElevationPath.DISPLAY_PROFILE_RAW,

// if you want to pluggued the control Export with options :
var measure = new ol.control.ElevationPath({
   export : {
     name : "export",
     format : "geojson",
     title : "Exporter",
     menu : false

Exemples :
- displayProfileOptions.apply : null
- displayProfileOptions.apply : function (elevations, container, context) {  // do some stuff... }
- displayProfileOptions.apply : ol.control.ElevationPath.DISPLAY_PROFILE_{LIB_AMCHARTS | LIB_D3 | RAW}


  • ol.control.Control



Styles applied by default if stylesOptions property is not set.


staticDISPLAY_PROFILE_BY_DEFAULT(data, container, context)

Controls/ElevationPath/ElevationPath.js, line 495

Display Profile function used by default : no additonal framework needed.

Name Type Description
data Object

elevations values for profile

container HTMLElement

html container where to display profile

context Object

this control object

staticDISPLAY_PROFILE_LIB_AMCHARTS(data, container, context)

Controls/ElevationPath/ElevationPath.js, line 432

display Profile using Amcharts framework. This method needs AmCharts libraries to be loaded.

Name Type Description
data Object

collection elevations

container HTMLElement


context Object

this control object

staticDISPLAY_PROFILE_LIB_D3(data, container, context)

Controls/ElevationPath/ElevationPath.js, line 455

display Profile using D3 javascript framework. This method needs D3 libraries to be loaded.

Name Type Description
data Object

elevations values for profile

container HTMLElement

html container where to display profile

context Object

this control object

staticDISPLAY_PROFILE_RAW(data, container, context)

Controls/ElevationPath/ElevationPath.js, line 478

display Profile without graphical rendering (raw service response)

Name Type Description
data Object

elevations values for profile

container HTMLElement

html container where to display profile

context Object

this control object


Controls/ElevationPath/ElevationPath.js, line 704


Name Type Description
remove Boolean

remove layer


Controls/ElevationPath/ElevationPath.js, line 565

Returns true if widget is actived (drawing),
false otherwise

- true or false


Controls/ElevationPath/ElevationPath.js, line 634

Get container


Controls/ElevationPath/ElevationPath.js, line 600

Get elevation data

- elevations
       type // "elevationpath"
       greaterSlope // pente max
       meanSlope  // pente moyenne
       distancePlus // distance cumulée positive
       distanceMinus // distance cumulée négative
       ascendingElevation // dénivelé cumulée positive
       descendingElevation // dénivelé cumulée négative
       altMin // altitude min
       altMax // altitude max
       distance // distance totale
       unit // unité des mesures de distance
       points // elevations


Controls/ElevationPath/ElevationPath.js, line 675

Get vector layer

- GeoJSON format layer


Controls/ElevationPath/ElevationPath.js, line 643

Get layer


Controls/ElevationPath/ElevationPath.js, line 696

Get default style


Controls/ElevationPath/ElevationPath.js, line 728

This method is public.
It allows to init the control.


Controls/ElevationPath/ElevationPath.js, line 575

Actived widget drawing or not

Name Type Description
active Boolean

true / false


Controls/ElevationPath/ElevationPath.js, line 625

Set profile data

Name Type Description
data *


       greaterSlope // pente max
       meanSlope  // pente moyenne
       distancePlus // distance cumulée positive
       distanceMinus // distance cumulée négative
       ascendingElevation // dénivelé cumulée positive
       descendingElevation // dénivelé cumulée négative
       altMin // altitude min
       altMax // altitude max
       distance // distance totale
       unit // unité des mesures de distance
       points // elevations


Controls/ElevationPath/ElevationPath.js, line 652

Set layer

Name Type Description
layer Object

ol.layer.Vector profil layer


Controls/ElevationPath/ElevationPath.js, line 514

Attach control to map. Overloaded ol.control.Control.setMap() method.

Name Type Description
map ol.Map
