5. Project Configuration

The project configuration is available and editable via a graphical user interface when creating a new project using New or when using Configuration from Project Menu. It is recorded into the .comp project file.

5.1. Project Basic Configuration

  • Metadata:

    • Projet name

    • Project description

  • Input:

  • Frame:

    • Local center coordinates: coordinates of project center point in input projection. All the topometric points should be close to it

    • Local frame:

      • Center latitude: used to get spherical approximation of Earth radius (in decimal degrees, \(0.1^{\circ}\) precision is sufficient).

    • Georeferenced frame:

      • CRS name: only used to pre-fill Proj definition

      • Proj definition: something like epsg:32719, IGNF:LAMB1 or +proj=lcc +lon_0=-90 +lat_1=33 +lat_2=45. Any projection, as long as it has a correct libProj definition, is possible (some additional grid files may be required).

5.2. Project Advanced Configuration

  • Input:

    • COR Covariance Matrix File: a .csv file for covariances on coordinates constraints (see COR Covariance Matrix File)

    • COR with ellipsoidal heights: if this checkbox is unchecked, altitude is used instead of ellipsoidal height (allowed only for 1D projects)

    • Refraction coefficient: it only affects zenithal measurements (default value: 0.12)

  • Output:

    • Decimal places: for output files and report

    • Language for report

    • Option to display the map in html report

    • Option to remove comments from output file .new, to simplify importing as spreadsheet

  • Computation type:

  • Computation options:

  • Iterations:

    • Maximum iterations: the compensation will be interrupted if this number of iterations is reached. For Monte-Carlo simulations, this is the number of random samples

    • Additional iterations: number of iterations forced after convergence (iterations will continue if convergence is unreached during forced iterations)

    • Convergence criterion: when \(\sigma_0\) relative variation is below this threshold, convergence is reached