Blog Archive


  • October 11, 2016 - Version 1.8 released

    This is the last stable version supporting Java 1.7 and GeoTools 8.4 From the next snapshot (1.9-SNAPSHOT), the JDK 8 is forced in the main pom and the current set of dependencies my be updated (besides GeoTools which is upgraded to v15.1)

    • Line morphing algorithms in cartagen plugin

    • Functionalities to analyse the OSM contributors of a loaded OSM file

    • API loaders for Twitter, Foursquare, Panoramio and FlickR data

    • Expressive rendering tools and extension of the OGC specifications SLD and SE coming from the MapStyle project in the OpenGL rendering engine.
      • Added linear stylisation to Line Symbolizer through the SE extension <ExpressiveStroke>.
      • Added patch-fill rendering to Polygon Symbolizer, with graph-cut or alpha blending through the SE extension <ExpressiveFill>.
      • Added the possibility to set a global background texture to the rendered map through the SLD extension <Background>.
      • Added Overlay, Multiply, Normal and HighTone blending modes between layers in Symbolizers through the XML tag <BlendingMode>.
      • Enable animation of Raster Symbolizer + Tide simulation based on a DTM data, through the SE extensions <Animation> and <Tide>.


  • October 19, 2015 - Version 1.7 released

    Among the novelties :

    • Students works : dot density analysis, measures of complexity of map.
    • Minkowski 2D operations (sum between two polygons A and B, subtraction of A and B with reference to the center of mass B, etc.)
    • Generic algorithms (linear and nonlinear) of the least squares estimator
    • Polygons squaring by least squares compensation
    • A “lenses” plugin that can : show a more detailed view over a less detailed layer, view a portion of the raster layer over the vector one, etc.
    • OpenGL rendered 2D GUI added.
    • Probably last version using java 7
  • October 1, 2015 - Mapstyle demonstration

    Two demonstrations of using GeOxygene library at the GeoVIS Workshop, ISPRS GeoSpatial Week. Watch the video !


  • June 5, 2014 - CartAGen demonstration

    CartAGen is a component-based research platform dedicated to generalisation. It based on GeOxygene library. A demonstration entitled Multi-Agent Multi-Level Cartographic Generalisation in CartAGen will be held at PAAMS‘14

  • February 26, 2014 - A presentation tools to estimate imprecision on geographical data

    Jean-François Girres intervention at Géoséminaire entitled Fondements théoriques et méthodologiques de la qualification des données géographiques showcased tools developed in his thesis to estimate geometric measurements imprecision on geographical data.