Geoportal Extension for Leaflet API Reference

Namespace: ElevationPath


Leaflet Control Class to compute and display Profil Elevation.

Use L.geoportalControl.ElevationPath() factory to create instances of that class.

Extends Leaflet L.Control native class.


static__createProfileMarker(context, data)

Leaflet/Controls/ElevationPath.js, line 922

create Profile Marker

Name Type Description
context Object


data Object


static__customRawProfileMouseOverEvent(context, e)

Leaflet/Controls/ElevationPath.js, line 1009

custom operation into raw profil...

Name Type Description
context Object


e Object



Leaflet/Controls/ElevationPath.js, line 998

custom operation into raw profil...


Leaflet/Controls/ElevationPath.js, line 982

remove Profile Marker

Name Type Description
context Object


static__updateProfileMarker(context, data)

Leaflet/Controls/ElevationPath.js, line 950

update Profile Marker

Name Type Description
context Object


data Object


staticDISPLAY_PROFILE_BY_DEFAULT(data, container, context)

Leaflet/Controls/ElevationPath.js, line 1021

Display Profile function used by default : no additonal framework needed.

Name Type Description
data Object

elevations values for profile

container HTMLElement

html container where to display profile

context Object

this control object

staticDISPLAY_PROFILE_LIB_AMCHARTS(data, container, context)

Leaflet/Controls/ElevationPath.js, line 1080

Display Profile using Amcharts framework. This method needs AmCharts libraries to be loaded.

Name Type Description
data Object

elevations values for profile

container HTMLElement

html container where to display profile

context Object

this control object

staticDISPLAY_PROFILE_LIB_D3(data, container, context)

Leaflet/Controls/ElevationPath.js, line 1057

Display Profile using D3 javascript framework. This method needs D3 libraries to be loaded.

Name Type Description
data Object

elevations values for profile

container HTMLElement

html container where to display profile

context Object

this control object

staticDISPLAY_PROFILE_RAW(data, container, context)

Leaflet/Controls/ElevationPath.js, line 1039

Display Profile without graphical rendering (raw service response)

Name Type Description
data Object

elevations values for profile

container HTMLElement

html container where to display profile

context Object

this control object