Source code for

import logging
import os
import os.path as osp
from typing import Iterable, Optional, Union

import laspy
import pdal

from lidar_prod.tasks.utils import get_pdal_writer, pdal_read_las_array

log = logging.getLogger(__name__)

[docs] class Cleaner: """Keep only necessary extra dimensions channels.""" def __init__(self, extra_dims: Optional[Union[Iterable[str], str]]): """Format extra_dims parameter from config. Args: extra_dims (Optional[Union[Iterable[str], str]]): each dim should have format dim_name:pdal_type. If a string, used directly; if an iterable, dimensions are joined together. """ # turn a listconfig into a 'normal' list self.extra_dims = ( [extra_dims] if isinstance(extra_dims, str) else [dimension for dimension in extra_dims] ) # creating a dict where key = dimension's name and value = diemnsion's type # if no "=type" in extra_dims then value = None # This is for easier manipulation self.extra_dims_as_dict = dict() for extra_dim in self.extra_dims: if len(extra_dim.split("=")) == 2: self.extra_dims_as_dict[extra_dim.split("=")[0]] = extra_dim.split("=")[1] elif extra_dim: self.extra_dims_as_dict[extra_dim] = None else: # empty string pass
[docs] def get_extra_dims_as_str(self): """'stringify' the extra_dims list and return it, or an empty list if there is no extra dims""" self.extra_dims_as_dict return_str = ",".join([f"{k}={v}" for k, v in self.extra_dims_as_dict.items()]) return return_str if return_str else []
[docs] def run(self, src_las_path: str, target_las_path: str, epsg: int | str): """Clean out LAS extra dimensions. Args: src_las_path (str): input LAS path target_las_path (str): output LAS path, with specified extra dims. epsg (int | str): epsg code for the input file (if empty or None: infer it from the las metadata) """ points, metadata = pdal_read_las_array(src_las_path, epsg) # Check input dims to see what we can keep. input_dims = points.dtype.fields.keys() self.extra_dims_as_dict = { k: v for k, v in self.extra_dims_as_dict.items() if k in input_dims } pipeline = pdal.Pipeline(arrays=[points]) | get_pdal_writer( target_las_path, reader_metadata=metadata, extra_dims=self.get_extra_dims_as_str() ) os.makedirs(osp.dirname(target_las_path), exist_ok=True) pipeline.execute()"Saved to {target_las_path}")
[docs] def remove_dimensions(self, las_data: laspy.lasdata.LasData): """remove dimension from (laspy) data""" # if we want to keep all dimension, we do nothing if self.extra_dims == ["all"]: return # selecting dimensions to remove dimension_to_remove = [] for dimension in las_data.point_format.extra_dimension_names: if dimension not in self.extra_dims_as_dict: dimension_to_remove.append(dimension) # case: 0 dimension to remove if not dimension_to_remove: return # case: 1 dimension to remove if len(dimension_to_remove) == 1: las_data.remove_extra_dim(dimension_to_remove[0]) return # case: 2+ dimensions to remove las_data.remove_extra_dims(dimension_to_remove)
[docs] def add_dimensions(self, las_data: laspy.lasdata.LasData): """Add the dimensions that exist in self.extra_dimensions but not in las data""" # selecting dimensions to add dimensions_to_add = [] for dimension, type in self.extra_dims_as_dict.items(): if not type: # we only add the dimensions we know the type of log.warning(f"{dimension} has no type and thus is not added as a column.") continue if dimension not in las_data.point_format.extra_dimension_names: dimensions_to_add.append(dimension) # adding dimensions # case: 0 dimension to add if len(dimensions_to_add) == 0: return # case: 1 dimension to add if len(dimensions_to_add) == 1: las_data.add_extra_dim( laspy.ExtraBytesParams( dimensions_to_add[0], type=self.extra_dims_as_dict[dimensions_to_add[0]], ) ) return # case: 2+ dimensions to add extra_bytes_list = [] for dimension in dimensions_to_add: extra_bytes_list.append( laspy.ExtraBytesParams(dimension, type=self.extra_dims_as_dict[dimension]) ) las_data.add_extra_dims(extra_bytes_list)