Source code for lidar_prod.tasks.building_validation_optimization

import functools
import logging
import math
import os
import os.path as osp
import pickle
import warnings
from glob import glob
from typing import Any, Dict, List

import numpy as np
import optuna
import yaml
from omegaconf import DictConfig, OmegaConf
from sklearn.metrics import confusion_matrix
from tqdm import tqdm

from lidar_prod.tasks.building_validation import (
from lidar_prod.tasks.utils import pdal_read_las_array, split_idx_by_dim

log = logging.getLogger(__name__)

[docs] def constraints_func(trial): return trial.user_attrs["constraint"]
[docs] class BuildingValidationOptimizer: r"""Optimizer of the decision thresholds used by `BuildingValidator`. In lidar-prod, each task is implemented by a dedicated python class. Building Validation is implemented via a :class:`BuildingValidator` class. We make sure that all parameters used for optimization are the one we actually use in production. For a higher internal cohesion, `BuildingValidator` does not know anything about optimization, which is taken care of by a `BuildingValidationOptimizer` python class. Two dataclasses are used to connect the two objects. `BuildingValidationClusterInfo` describes the cluster-level information, necessary to perform a validation. `thresholds` describes the different thresholds used in `BuildingValidator` and optimized in `BuildingValidationOptimizer`. In Building Validation, the most time-consuming step is the preparation of data, including the clustering of candidate building points and the overlay of vectors of buildings from a public databse: up to several minutes per km² of data. The `BuildingValidationOptimizer` breaks down the Building Validation steps to make sure that data preparation only occurs onces. All outputs and intermediary files are stored in a `results_output_dir` directory, so that operations may be resumed at any steps, for instance to rerun a thresholds optimization with a different optimizer configuration. """ def __init__( self, todo: str, paths: Dict[str, str], building_validator: BuildingValidator, study: optuna.Study, design: Any, buildings_correction_labels: Any, use_final_classification_codes: bool = False, debug=False, ): self.debug = debug self.todo = todo self.paths = paths = building_validator = study = design self.buildings_correction_labels = buildings_correction_labels self.use_final_classification_codes = use_final_classification_codes self.setup()
[docs] def run(self): """Run decision threshold optimization.""" if "prepare" in self.todo: self.prepare() if "optimize" in self.todo: self.optimize() if "evaluate" in self.todo: self.evaluate() if "update" in self.todo: self.update()
[docs] def setup(self): """Setup step. Setup a few attributes and override BuildingValidator classification codes to adapt to those of the optimization dataset. """ if "prepare" in self.todo or "update" in self.todo: las_paths = glob(osp.join(self.paths.input_las_dir, "*.las")) laz_paths = glob(osp.join(self.paths.input_las_dir, "*.laz")) self.las_filepaths = sorted(las_paths + laz_paths) if not self.las_filepaths: raise ValueError( "No LAS/LAZ found in {self.paths.input_las_dir} (i.e. input_las_dir) while" "globbing *las and *laz extensions (lowercase)." ) if self.debug: self.las_filepaths = self.las_filepaths[:1] os.makedirs(self.paths.prepared_las_dir, exist_ok=True) self.prepared_las_filepaths = [ osp.join(self.paths.prepared_las_dir, osp.basename(f)) for f in self.las_filepaths ] os.makedirs(self.paths.updated_las_dir, exist_ok=True) self.out_las_filepaths = [ osp.join(self.paths.updated_las_dir, osp.basename(f)) for f in self.las_filepaths ] # We must adapt BuildingValidator to corrected data by specifying the codes to use as # candidates = ( + ) # We also specify if, when updating corrected data (for inspection) we want final codes # or detailed ones. = self.use_final_classification_codes = [,,, ]
[docs] def prepare(self): """Preparation step. Prepares and saves each point cloud in the specified directory, and extracts all cluster information in a list of `BuildingValidationClusterInfo` objects that is serialized into a pickle object. """ clusters = [] for src_las_path, prepared_las_path in tqdm( zip(self.las_filepaths, self.prepared_las_filepaths), desc="Preparation.", total=len(self.las_filepaths), unit="tiles", ):, prepared_las_path, True) clusters += self._extract_clusters_from_las(prepared_las_path) self._dump_clusters(clusters)
[docs] def optimize(self): """Optimization step. Deserializes the clusters informations. Runs the genetic algorithm for N generations. For each set of decision thresholds, computes the Recall, Precision, and Automation of the `BuildingValidator`. Finally, serializes the set of optimal thresholds. """ clusters = self._load_clusters() objective = functools.partial(self._objective, clusters=clusters), best_thresholds = self._select_best_rules("Best_trial thresholds: \n{best_thresholds}") self._dump_best_rules(best_thresholds) # Save it as attribute for later evaluate/update steps self.thresholds: thresholds = best_thresholds
[docs] def evaluate(self) -> dict: """Evaluation step. Deserializes the set of optimal thresholds. Deserializes the clusters informations. Computes the Recall, Precision, and Automation of the `BuildingValidator` on the clusters using optimal thresholds, as well as other metrics including confusion matrices. If a validation dataset was used for optimization, this evaluation may be ran on a test dataset. Returns: dict: a dictionnary of metrics of schema {metric_name:metric_value}. """ clusters = self._load_clusters() self._set_thresholds_from_file_if_available() decisions = np.array([ for c in clusters]) mts_gt = np.array([ for c in clusters]) metrics_dict = self.evaluate_decisions(mts_gt, decisions)"\n Results:\n{self._get_results_logs_str(metrics_dict)}") self._save_results_to_yaml(metrics_dict) return metrics_dict
def _set_thresholds_from_file_if_available(self): try: = thresholds.load(self.paths.building_validation_thresholds) except FileNotFoundError: warnings.warn( "Using default thresholds from hydra config to perform decisions. " "You may want to specify different thresholds via a yaml file by specifying " "building_validation.optimization.paths.building_validation_thresholds", UserWarning, )
[docs] def update(self): """Update step. Deserializes the set of optimal thresholds. `BuildingValidator` updates each prepared point cloud classification based on those threshods and saves the result. """"Updated las will be saved in {self.paths.results_output_dir}") self._set_thresholds_from_file_if_available() for prepared_las_path, target_las_path in tqdm( zip(self.prepared_las_filepaths, self.out_las_filepaths), total=len(self.prepared_las_filepaths), desc="Update.", unit="tiles", ):, target_las_path)"Saved to {target_las_path}")
def _extract_clusters_from_las( self, prepared_las_path: str ) -> List[BuildingValidationClusterInfo]: """Extract a cluster information object in a prepared LAS. Args: prepared_las (str): path to LAS prepared for building validation. Returns: List[BuildingValidationClusterInfo]: cluster information for each cluster of candidate buildings """ las, _ = pdal_read_las_array(prepared_las_path, # las: laspy.LasData = dim_cluster_id = las[] dim_classification = las[] split_idx = split_idx_by_dim(dim_cluster_id) # removes the group of unclustered points, which has ClusterID = 0 START_IDX_OF_CLUSTERS = 1 split_idx = split_idx[START_IDX_OF_CLUSTERS:] clusters = [] for pts_idx in tqdm(split_idx, desc="Extract cluster info from LAS", unit="clusters"): infos: BuildingValidationClusterInfo = las, pts_idx ) = self._define_MTS_ground_truth_flag(dim_classification[pts_idx]) clusters += [infos] return clusters def _define_MTS_ground_truth_flag(self, targets) -> int: """Based on the fraction of confirmed building points, set the nature of the shape or declare an ambiguous case""" tp_frac = np.mean( np.isin( targets,, ) ) if tp_frac >= self.buildings_correction_labels.min_frac.true_positives: return elif tp_frac < self.buildings_correction_labels.min_frac.false_positives: return return def _compute_penalty(self, auto, precision, recall): """Positive float indicative a solution violates the constraint of minimal auto/precision/metrics""" penalty = 0 if precision < penalty += - precision if recall < penalty += - recall if auto < penalty += - auto return [penalty] def _objective(self, trial, clusters: List[BuildingValidationClusterInfo] = None): """Objective function for optuna optimization. Use prepared list to access group-level probas and targets. Args: trial: optuna trial clusters (List[BuildngValidationClusterInfo], optional): _description_. Defaults to None. Returns: float, float, float: automatisation, precision, recall """ params = { "min_confidence_confirmation": trial.suggest_float( "min_confidence_confirmation", 0.0, 1.0 ), "min_frac_confirmation": trial.suggest_float("min_frac_confirmation", 0.0, 1.0), "min_confidence_refutation": trial.suggest_float( "min_confidence_refutation", 0.0, 1.0 ), "min_frac_refutation": trial.suggest_float("min_frac_refutation", 0.0, 1.0), "min_uni_db_overlay_frac": trial.suggest_float("min_uni_db_overlay_frac", 0.5, 1.0), "min_frac_confirmation_factor_if_bd_uni_overlay": trial.suggest_float( "min_frac_confirmation_factor_if_bd_uni_overlay", 0.5, 1.0 ), # Max entropy for 7 classes. When looking at prediction's entropy, # the observed maximal value is aqual to the Shannon entropy divided by two, # so this is what we consider as the max for the min entropy for uncertainty. "min_entropy_uncertainty": trial.suggest_float( "min_entropy_uncertainty", 0.0, -math.log2(1 / 7) / 2.0 ), "min_frac_entropy_uncertain": trial.suggest_float( "min_frac_entropy_uncertain", 0.33, 1.0 ), } = thresholds(**params) decisions = np.array([ for c in clusters]) mts_gt = np.array([ for c in clusters]) metrics_dict = self.evaluate_decisions(mts_gt, decisions) # WARNING: order should always be automation, precision, recall values = ( metrics_dict[], metrics_dict[], metrics_dict[], ) auto, precision, recall = (value if not np.isnan(value) else 0 for value in values) # This enables constrained optimization trial.set_user_attr("constraint", self._compute_penalty(auto, precision, recall)) return auto, precision, recall def _select_best_rules(self, study): """Find the trial that meet constraints and that maximizes automation.""" trials = sorted(study.best_trials, key=lambda x: x.values[0], reverse=True) TRIALS_BELOW_ZERO_ARE_VALID = 0 respect_constraints = [ s for s in trials if s.user_attrs["constraint"][0] <= TRIALS_BELOW_ZERO_ARE_VALID ] try: best = respect_constraints[0] except Exception: log.warning("No trial respecting constraints - returning best metrics-products.") trials = sorted( study.best_trials, key=lambda x: np.product(x.values), reverse=True, ) best = trials[0] best_rules = thresholds(**best.params) return best_rules def _dump_best_rules(self, best_trial_params: thresholds): """Saves best thresholds to a yaml file.""" best_trial_params.dump(self.paths.building_validation_thresholds)"Saved best params to {self.paths.building_validation_thresholds}") def _dump_clusters(self, clusters): """Serializes the list of cluster-level information objects.""" with open(self.paths.group_info_pickle_path, "wb") as f: pickle.dump(clusters, f)"Pickled groups to {self.paths.group_info_pickle_path}") def _load_clusters(self): """Deserializes the list of cluster-level information objects.""" with open(self.paths.group_info_pickle_path, "rb") as f: clusters = pickle.load(f)"Loading pickled groups from {self.paths.group_info_pickle_path}") return clusters
[docs] def evaluate_decisions(self, mts_gt, ia_decision) -> Dict[str, Any]: r"""Evaluate confirmation and refutation decisions. Get dict of metrics to evaluate how good module decisions were in reference to ground truths. Targets: U=Unsure, N=No (not a building), Y=Yes (building) Predictions : U=Unsure, C=Confirmation, R=Refutation Confusion Matrix (horizontal: target, vertical: predictions) [Uu Ur Uc] [Nu Nr Nc] [Yu Yr Yc] Automation: Proportion of each decision among total of candidate groups. Accuracies: Confirmation/Refutation Accuracy. Accurate decision if either "unsure" or the same as the label. Quality Precision and Recall, assuming perfect posterior decision for unsure predictions. Only candidate shapes with known ground truths are considered (ambiguous labels are ignored). Precision : (Yu + Yc) / (Yu + Yc + Nc) Recall : (Yu + Yc) / (Yu + Yn + Yc) Args: mts_gt (np.array): ground truth of rule- based classification (0, 1, 2) ia_decision (np.array): AI application decision (0, 1, 2) Returns: dict: dictionnary of metrics. """ metrics_dict = dict() # VECTORS INFOS num_shapes = len(ia_decision) metrics_dict.update({ num_shapes}) cm = confusion_matrix( mts_gt, ia_decision,, normalize=None, ) metrics_dict.update({ cm.copy()}) # CRITERIA cm = confusion_matrix( mts_gt, ia_decision,, normalize="all", ) P_MTS_U, P_MTS_N, P_MTS_C = cm.sum(axis=1) metrics_dict.update( { P_MTS_U, P_MTS_N, P_MTS_C, } ) P_IA_u, P_IA_r, P_IA_c = cm.sum(axis=0) PAD = P_IA_c + P_IA_r metrics_dict.update( { PAD, P_IA_u, P_IA_r, P_IA_c, } ) # ACCURACIES cm = confusion_matrix( mts_gt, ia_decision,, normalize="pred", ) RA = cm[1, 1] CA = cm[2, 2] metrics_dict.update( { RA, CA, } ) # NORMALIZED CM cm = confusion_matrix( mts_gt, ia_decision,, normalize="true", ) metrics_dict.update({ cm.copy()}) # QUALITY non_ambiguous_idx = mts_gt != ia_decision = ia_decision[non_ambiguous_idx] mts_gt = mts_gt[non_ambiguous_idx] cm = confusion_matrix( mts_gt, ia_decision,, normalize="all", ) final_true_positives = cm[2, 0] + cm[2, 2] # Yu + Yc final_false_positives = cm[1, 2] # Nc # precision = (Yu + Yc) / (Yu + Yc + Nc) precision = final_true_positives / (final_true_positives + final_false_positives) # recall = (Yu + Yc) / (Yu + Yn + Yc) positives = cm[2, :].sum() recall = final_true_positives / positives metrics_dict.update( { precision, recall, } ) return metrics_dict
def _get_results_logs_str(self, metrics_dict: dict): """Format all metrics as a str for logging.""" results_logs = "\n".join( f"{name}={value:{'' if type(value) is int else '.3'}}" for name, value in metrics_dict.items() if name not in [,, ] ) results_logs = ( results_logs + "\nConfusion Matrix\n" + str(metrics_dict[].round(3)) + "\nConfusion Matrix (normalized)\n" + str(metrics_dict[].round(3)) ) return results_logs def _save_results_to_yaml(self, metrics_dict: dict): out_dict = metrics_dict.copy() for k, v in out_dict.items(): if isinstance(v, np.ndarray): out_dict[k] = v.tolist() elif isinstance(v, np.float64): out_dict[k] = float(v) if self.paths.evaluation_results_yaml: with open(self.paths.evaluation_results_yaml, "w") as f: yaml.safe_dump(out_dict, f)
[docs] def save_config_with_optimized_thresolds(self, config: DictConfig): """Save config the thresholds in the building_validation.application part replaced by optimized thresholds""" if "optimize" in self.todo: optimized_cfg = config.copy() optimized_cfg.building_validation.application.thresholds = self.thresholds out_path = config.building_validation.optimization.paths.output_optimized_config, f=out_path, resolve=False)