Geoportal Extension for Itowns API Reference


Geoportal Extension for Itowns API Reference

The Geoportal Extension for Itowns provides additionnal javascript functionalities (Controls) making access to french geoportal webservices easier when using Itowns javascript library.

This extension is not standalone and has to be used together with the Itowns library. In a web page, you thus have to include both Itowns and Geoportal Extension resources. For instance :

<!-- itowns -->
<script src="path/to/itowns/js/itowns.js"></script>

<!-- Geoportal Extension for Itowns -->
<script src="path/to/GpPluginItowns.js" data-key="{your-geoportal-access-key}"></script>
<link rel="stylesheet" href="path/to/GpPluginItowns.css" />

NB : to have complete access to this extension functionnalities, you need to freely provide a geoportal access key among the one available here : . Use it either when loading extension script (using the data-key attribute) or by conditinning their use to the onSuccess callback function of a Gp.Services.GetConfig() call with that key. Otherwhise some functionalities may not work as announced.

Geoportal Controls

Controls provided by the Geoportal Extension added to an itowns globe, allows user to interact with it.

Geoportal Control Description
itowns.control.Attributions Control that has the capability of handling dynamic attributions depending on zoom level and positionning of the globe.
itowns.control.LayerSwitcher Allows users to manage layer organisation of the map
itowns.control.MousePosition Control that has the capability of displaying planar position and elevation of Mouse Position based on elevation service of the Geoportal Platform.
itowns.control.MiniGlobe Allows users to add a miniMap to their viewer
itowns.control.Scale Allows users to add a graphic scalebar control to their viewer